Here’s what Teresa had to say…

“Unfortunately I inherited under-eye bags or in my case, more like under-eye suitcases! I hated looking in a mirror with a tired and old reflection looking back. I lost count of the times people mentioned I looked tired, despite having a great night’s sleep. I had tried a variety of cosmetics over the years, all of which promised a miracle cure, to hide and reduce baggy and puffy eyes. Whilst these products may have worked for some they certainly didn’t for me, which made it even more obvious surgery was my best option.

“Like many women, over the years I put my children’s needs above my own and postponed treatment. I hated having my photograph taken as I was suffering from low self-esteem and low self-confidence. In February 2019 I was heartbroken when I lost my beloved mother. As you can imagine I was distraught. The tears flowing over my baggy eyes making them even more prominent and swollen. It was following this life-changing event that I decided it was time to finally do something for me and I was going to have the surgery I had yearned for after all these years.

“After researching and reading reviews on plastic surgeons I narrowed my choice down to just two, with Anthony being one of them. I followed this up by consulting the clinical lead in my team at work and gauged his opinion as he had knowledge of the two individuals. He recommended Anthony, stating he gets amazing results, so he instantly became my first choice and I made the next step to booking a consultation.

“Following my experience, I could not recommend Anthony highly enough, his constant professionalism through-out the process has been second to none. Anthony never added pressure to commit to the surgery, and never gave the impression he could work a miracle. All parts of the process were clearly explained, including potential complications, but I was excited at the prospect of any improvement.

“Awaiting my surgery in the pre-med room I was reassured by the Anaesthetist that if he was going to have any cosmetic surgery done, Anthony would be his surgeon of choice. I can honestly say during my recovery after the surgery I was not in pain, just uncomfortable, and my husband made a great nurse looking after me during those first few weeks. I wasn’t bruised as much as I thought I may have been, and after three weeks was able to return to work and drive. The aftercare from Anthony has been faultless, particularly in dealing with a minor issue in one eye that occurred a few weeks after surgery.

“If you were to see the before and after comparison pictures the results are amazing. Anthony is a gifted surgeon and worked his magic on me. I can finally look in a mirror and not be afraid or upset at the reflection staring back at me. Friends, family, and colleagues have all commented on the incredible transformation which has been a great boost for my self-confidence.”