Gynaecomastia is more than just a medical term—it’s a reality for many, characterised by the unexpected growth of breast tissue in males, resulting in breasts that appear larger. This condition can strike at any age, from the teenage years to later stages in life, bringing with it a mix of physical discomfort and emotional turmoil.

At its core, gynaecomastia is a physical manifestation of an imbalance between the hormones oestrogen and testosterone in the male body. While it’s natural for men to produce both, an excess of oestrogen can stimulate the growth of breast tissue, leading to gynaecomastia. This hormonal imbalance can be triggered by a variety of factors, including puberty, when hormones are in flux; ageing, as testosterone levels naturally decline; the use of certain medications that affect hormone levels; and underlying health conditions that disturb the body’s hormonal equilibrium, such as obesity or liver disorders.

The experience of living with gynaecomastia varies widely among those affected. For some, it’s a temporary phase that resolves on its own, especially when linked to puberty. For others, the condition persists, creating a lasting impact on their physical appearance and emotional well-being. The breasts may feel tender or painful, adding a physical layer of discomfort to the psychological strain.

Treatment options for gynaecomastia vary depending on its cause and severity. In some cases, addressing the underlying issue, such as changing medications or managing obesity, can help reduce the breast enlargement. For many, however, the condition remains despite these measures, leading to consideration of surgical options to remove the excess breast tissue and restore a more typical male chest contour.

1 to 2 hours
Hospital Stay
Day case typically
Full Recovery
4 to 6 weeks
Final Results
Your chest may feel swollen and bruised at first but after 6 months your final results will be visible.