Arm Lift Surgery by Anthony MacQuillan

An Arm lift or Brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed for individuals who are struggling with sagging upper arms – a condition often caused by factors such as significant weight loss, ageing, or genetic predisposition. Arm Lift surgery removes excess skin from your upper arms and the lateral portion of the upper chest wall.

Arm Lift surgery is particularly beneficial for those who have lost weight and find that even exercise and a healthy diet are insufficient in addressing the excess skin and fat in the upper arm region.

Excess skin on the arms can make you feel self-conscious when wearing short-sleeved tops, a phrase that I often hear during consultations is ‘in summer I always wear a cardigan or long-sleeved top – even when I am on the beach’. It is a really debilitating problem and is one that is usually only responsive to surgery.

Arm Lift surgery aims to reshape the contour of the upper arm, axilla (armpit) and chest wall – where necessary – so that no excess tissue is visible following the procedure and so that you feel able to wear the clothes you want to (especially when it’s hot!).

The scars from the operation are well hidden when the arms are by the side and the procedure is associated with high patient satisfaction rates. An overnight stay in hospital, and fully mobile immediately after the procedure. Back to full range of activities by 6 weeks.

Consultant Plastic Surgeon Anthony MacQuillan performs Arm Lift surgery for his patients to help them get the toned, sculpted arms they want.  


2 hours
Hospital Stay
Day case or overnight
Full Recovery
6 weeks
Final Results
You should see the final results of your arm lift in 6 months, but it can take 12 months for arm lift scars to fully fade.