Having recently moved, and spent 6 months renovating her new house, which was so all-consuming, she finally decided to invest some time and energy into herself.

Here’s what Sarah had to say…

“I’ve always been aware that my eyelids are droopy and slightly hooded – inherited from my dad. However, having spent three years caring for my terminally-ill husband, whom I adored, I realised that I’d neglected myself. I felt that I’d gained weight, aged by 10 years and looked and felt a bit worn out. My eyes felt heavy and made me look tired. Having spoken to someone who had recently had an upper blepharoplasty, and looked amazing. When he said that it had helped with driving as he could see better, I knew it was just what I needed and decided to investigate the possibilities.

I did my research and spoke to several patients who had had the same surgery. My main hope was to lose the constant ‘heavy-eyed’ feeling I’d had for so long, where I’d have to lift my eyebrows just to see properly; often causing headaches which made me feel even more tired. I hoped to use eye shadow that would actually be seen, and not just have an eyeliner mark that would rub off onto my lids because of the overhang.

Initially, I was a little defensive as I felt guilty about wanting to undergo cosmetic surgery when it wasn’t something that had to be done. However, Anthony Macquillan quickly put me at ease, explaining that losing the excess skin would open up my vision and stop me lifting my eyebrows – I’d lose the surprised look. Anthony was amazing – he went through every risk or complication patiently answering all my questions, and I didn’t feel rushed at any stage. He urged me to consider everything then to discuss any concerns at our next consultation. He was reassuring and professional.

I decided to go ahead and have surgery. I could not believe how painless the surgery was with local anaesthetic. Afterwards, I was amazed at how good I felt – I was able to go home, eat supper and watch TV from the off! I could see a difference despite some swelling. When I opened my eyes on day two I could already see more.

Having upper lid blepharoplasty is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The heavy lids have gone, my eyes feel revitalised and I don’t have to strain whilst driving in the dark. My peripheral vision is better at all times – no eyebrow-raising required! Family and friends can see a real difference and constantly tell me how well I look. I’m being told that I look ‘fresher’ and ‘more youthful’.

For me meeting a surgeon who was not only highly recommended and professional but warm welcoming and with a very human touch made all the difference. I felt completely confident allowing him to operate on such an important area – something I never thought I’d consider. The follow-up care has been very thorough and reassuring. It’s a very stress-free experience from beginning to end.”